2012년 11월 29일 목요일

TOPIK grammer_Middle

중급 TOPIK 문법 1.
나는 20127월에 있는 TOPIK 시험을 보려고 한다. TOPIK 시험을 전에 한 번도 본 적이 없어서 나는 다소 걱정스럽다. 시험을 잘 보기위해문법에 집중하려고 결심했는데 공부 할 것이 참 많다. 그래도 고진감래라는 말이 있잖아요!
I have decided to take the TOPIK exam in July. It is my first ever Korean exam, so i am a little nervous. I have decided to study the grammar needed for the 중급 exam but there seems so much to learn. Anyway, as they say, "No pain, no gain".
Noun Adj. Verb ~는다고 해도 Even though; Even if-- ч гэсэн
아무리 비싸다고 해도 필요한 책이라면 사야지 Even if it is expensive, you have to buy the book if you need it.
This pattern is similar to /아 봤자 (see below)
Noun Adj. Verb ~더라도 Even if; even though; supposing that-- ч гэлээ
만일 그것들이 인체에 잔재하더라도 쉽게 약으로 치료 가능 하다. Even if they are not expelled from the body, they can easily be treated with drugs
Only used if the preceding clause hasn't happened yet
This pattern is similar to /아도 (see below)
Noun Adj. Verb ~()지라도 Even though; No matter-- ч байлаа гэсэн
어린이일지라도 말을 함부로 하면 안 된다 No matter how young children are, they mustn't speak recklessly
 A little stronger than /아 도
Appear to be used for future projections rather than past actions
Adj. Verb ~/아 봤자 Even if; Supposing that-- тэглээ, ингэлээ гээд
그 여자가 예뻐 봤자 나만큼 예쁘겠어? Even if she is pretty, she couldn't be as pretty as me, (could she?)
This is usually used cynically, and when something is below ones expectation
The expected result is not realized
Similar to 는다고 해도 and ~나마 나
Never followed by an Imperative or Suggestion
Adj. Verb ~/아도 Even; No matter-- тэглээ, ингэлээ гээд
아무리 노력해도 실력이 늘지 않다. No matter how hard i try, i am not improving
Used if something has happened or not
Similar to ~더라도
Verb ~나 마나 Even if; Whether or not; regardless of whether-- тэгэлээ л гэсэн
뛰어 가나 마나 지각일 거에요. I'll be late, regardless of whether i run or not.
Similar to /아 봤자
Verb ~고도 Even after (doing sth)-- тэгээд ч, ингээд ч
 그 사람과 헤어지고도 눈물을 안 흘렀다 Even after splitting up she didn't shed a tear
The result is always different to the expectation
Not followed by either the Imperative or Suggestive forms.
Noun Adj. Verb ~기는 하지만 Despite; Even though-- тийм, ийм боловч
그 사람이 굉장한 구성가이기는 하지만 그 보고서 작성은 다른 사람한테 넘겨야 돼요. Even though he is a terrific organizer he should leave the writing to someone else.
Noun Adj. Verb ~는 데도 Even though; although; despite
몇 차례나 거절했는데도 나에게 받으라고 성화였다. Even though i declined it repeatedly, he insisted on my accepting it.
This is never followed by the future tense
Not followed by either the Imperative or Suggestive forms.
중급 TOPIK 문법 2. So that; In order toGrammar-- тэгэхээр, игэхээр
Adj Verb ~()려고 With the intention of; in order to
부모님께 드리려고 선물을 샀습니다 I bought a present for my parents (i.e. intending to give it to my parents)
Verb ~()러 가다/오다 (moves) for the purpose of; in order to
그 사람은 도사관에 책을 빌리러 갔다. He went to the library to borrow a book (i.e. in order to borrow)
Verb ~(Do something) So that
30분만 더 자게 내버려 두자 Let's leave him so he can sleep just 30 more minutes
Similar to ~도록 (see below)
Verb Adj. ~도록 So that
국이 식지 않도록 뚜껑을 덮어 놓으세요. Please put on the lid so that the soup doesn't get cold
Similar to ~and ~기 위해서
Period of time; until
밤새도록 친구와 이야기했다. I talked to my friend all night
Verb ~을겸 (을겸) In order to (*2 things); for the dual purpose of
쇼핑도 할겸 영화도 볼겸 명동에 다녀왔다. I went to Myeong-Dong (in order) to do some shopping and watch a movie
Verb ~기 위해서 / 위하여 In order to
한국 회사에 들어가기 위해서 한국어능력시험 공부를 했다. I studied for TOPIK in order to enter a Korean company
Subject before and after ~기 위해서 are the same
Similar to ()려고 and ~고자
Verb Noun ~고자 (Formal) So that; in order to
여러분의 의견을 듣고자 이렇게 회의를 소집했다. We called for a meeting (in order) to listen to your opinions
Subject before and after ~고자 is always the same
Not used in Imperatives or Suggestions
Similar to ~()려고 and ~기 위해서
http://blog.naver.com/elguapo81/20148448868 For a more detailed looked at ~고자
중급 TOPIK 문법 4. Since; Because; Due toGrammar-- шалтгаан заах нөхцөлүүд
Verb ~/아서 And so; and then; because; since
저는 바빠서 회의에 참석하지 못하겠다. I'm busy, so i won't be able to participate in the meeting
Not used in the imperative or propositive form
Cannot add past or future tense markers before ~/아 서
Verb ~으니까 Since; and so; then
오늘은 날씨가 추우니까 옷을 많이 입으세요 It's cold today so put on a lot of clothes
used to express the speaker's subjective feeling or attitude the verb in the following clause is often in the imperative or propositive form
Verb ~거든() Because; you see
왜 혼자 식사를 하세요? Why are you eating alone
모두들 외출을 했거든() Because everyone's gone home
Gives a reason for the speakers actions
This is a sentence ending conjunction and should not be confused with the conjunction 거든 which comes mid sentence and means "if" "when" "given that"
Verb ~느라고 Because (negative sense); Due to
어젯밤에 게임하느라고 숙제를 못했어요 I couldn't do my homework because i was playing games last night.
The subject before and after the conjunction must be the same
Cannot be used in the Imperative or Suggestive forms.
(When the subject is the same) similar to ~는 바람에, ~는 통에, ~는 탓에
Verb ~는 바람에 Since; Because (negative result)
사람들이 떠드는 바람에 정신이 나갔어요. I lost my concentration because of all the noise people were making
Cannot be used in the Imperative or Suggestive forms.
Similar to ~는 탓에, ~는 통에
Has the opposite meaning of ~는 덕분에 which is positive
Verb Adj. Noun ~는 탓에 Since (negative outcome); Due to
기계가 느리고 노후한 탓에 그 공장은 생산성이 떨어진다. The factory is inefficient because its' machinery is slow and old.
Similar to ~는 바람에, ~는 통에
Verb ~는 통에 Since (negative)
갑자기 비가 오는 통에 옷이 모두 젖었어요. All my clothes are wet since it rained suddenly.
Cannot be used in the Imperative or Suggestive forms.
Similar to 는 바람에 and ~는 탓에
Verb Noun ~는 덕분에 Thanks to
친구들이 도와 준 덕분에 잘 했어요 I finished with no problems, thanks to some help from my friends
Has the opposite meaning of ~는 바람에 which is negative
Verb Adj. Noun ~기에 So; Since
오다가 예쁘기에 샀어요 I saw (them) on my way and i thought (they) were pretty so i bought (them)
The subject before and after this conjunction must be different
The phrase preceeding the conjunction cannot be the speaker
Similar to ~길래
Can be combined to form ~는다기에 which means "Since (sb) said (sth), I..."
Cannot be used in the Imperative or Suggestive forms.
Verb Adj. Noun ~길래 Since (this happened, i did this) As; So
다리가 아프길래 쉬었다가 올라갔어요 As my leg hurt, i took a rest on the way up
The clause after the conjunction is usually the speaker
The subject before and after this conjunction must be different
The phrase preceeding the conjunction cannot be the speaker
Cannot be used in the Imperative or Suggestive forms.
Similar to ~기에
Noun ~로인해서 Due to
환경오염으로 인해서 여러 가지 문제가 생기고 있다. Many problems are occurring due to environmental pollution
Cannot be used in the Imperative or Suggestive forms.
Verb Adj. Noun ~/어 가지고 Since
제가 아직 고등학생이어 가지고 그 영화는 볼 수 없어요. I can't watch that movie since i'm still a high school student
Cannot be used in the Imperative or Suggestive forms.
This is used when the the preceding phrase becomes the reason of the succeeding phrase.
Verb Adj. ~하도 ~/어서 Since (since i did sth too much, i cant); As
반지 값이 하도 비싸서 안 샀어요. Since the ring was too expensive, I didn't buy it.
Cannot be used in the Imperative or Suggestive forms.
Verb Adj. Noun ~/어서 그런지 Maybe because; possibly due to
방학이라서 그런지 학교에 학생들이 별로 없군요! Maybe because of the vacation, there aren't many students at school
Cannot be used in the Imperative or Suggestive forms.
At the end of the sentence the form changes to ~/어서 그럴 거예요
Verb Adj. Noun ~기 때문에 Since; Because
머리가 아프기 때문에 좀 쉬어야겠어요 I'd better rest for a while since my head hurts
Similar to ~/어서 and 으니까
When the succeeding sentence is negative it is similar to ~는 탓에
When the succeeding sentence is positive it is similar to ~는 덕분에
Cannot be used in the Imperative or Suggestive forms.
Verb~()려면 If you want to; If you intend to
시험에 합격하려면 공부를 열심히 해야돼요 You must study hard if you want to pass the test
Verb ~()If; provided; when; whenever
감기에 걸리면 집에서 쉬어야 해요. You should rest at home when you catch a cold
When ~()is followed by 하다 or 좋다 it means wish, hope or desire. 통일이 됐으면 하는 사람들이 많아요. There are many people who hope for unification.
Verb Adj. Noun ~거든 If
많이 아프거든 병원에 가세요. Please go to the hospital if you are sick.
This is used to assume something that has not happened
The Imperative and suggestive forms are often used in the succeeding phrase.
Verb ~()려거든 If you want to; if - intend to
잠을 자려거든 불을 끄고 자거라. If you want to go to sleep , turn off the light first.
abbreviated form of ~()려고 하거든
Verb Adj. Noun ~기만 하면 Whenever (do sth, sth else happens)
저 두 사람은 만나기만 하면 싸워요 Those two fight whenever they meet.
Verb ~다 보면 If (keep doing sth.) then
열심히 운동을 하다 보면 곧 건강 해질 거예요. If you were to work out a lot, you will soon become healthy
This is often followed by ~을 수 있다; ~; ~게 될거예요
Verb Adj. Noun ~는다면 If
내가 너처럼 키가 크다면 높은 굽의 신발을 신지 않을 거예요. I wouldn't wear high heels if i was tall like you.
This is used to assume something that has not happened
Verb Adj. Noun ~/았더라면 If one had done; If only; If it had been
그 신이 좀더 컸더라면 내 발에 맞을 텐데 If the shoes had been a little bigger they would have fit my feet
Similar to ~/았으면 and ~/아야 했는데
Often followed by 을 텐데 in the following clause
Verb ~다가는 If (you do sth. then sth bad will happen)
그 비밀을 다른 사람에게 말했다가는 큰일이 날걸요. Something bad will happen if you tell that secret to someone else
The succeeding clause contains a bad result, if something is done in the preceding clause
Verb Adj. ~/아서는 If / With (that is the case - then it's hard to do sth.)
이렇게 눈이 많이 와서는 산에 갈 수 없을 것 같아요 With this much snow, it may be hard to go to the mountain
The succeeding clause contains a negative meaning
Verb ~는 한 as long as; unless; if
내가 힘이 있는 한 너를 지켜줄게 I'll protect you as long as i have power.
This is used is the sense of " As long as the first part is satisfied then the succeeding clause will also be realised"
Verb Adj. Noun ~/아야() If you - then (sth necessary); you have to be
한국어를 잘해야지 대학교에 입학할 수 있어요 You have to be good at Korean to get into university / If you are good at Korean then you can get into that university
Often followed by ~을 수 있다 and ~을것 같다.
DON'T confuse with ~/아야지요 which is a sentence ending and means "you must"
중급 TOPIK 문법 6. Rather; Either; OrGrammar
Verb Adj. Noun~거나 (~거나) Or
주말에는 등산을 가거나 수영을 해요. On weekends we either go hiking or go swimming
Used to list 2 or more options
Similar to ~든지
Verb~든지 Either - Or
책을 읽든지 말든지 마음대로 해. Either read the book or don't, it's up to you
When used as "Adj.~든지 Adj.~든지" The choice doesn't affect the succeeding phrase
Similar to ~거나
Often used as 언제든지 (anytime) 뭐든지 (anything) 누구든지 (anyone) 어디든지 (anywhere) etc.
Verb Adj. Noun ~는 대신() Instead of; In lieu of; In compensation for
회사에 출근을 안 하는 대신 집에서 일을 했어요. I worked at home instead of going to the office.
When the meaning is used as a reward / recompense the verb can appear as a negative with no change to the overall meaning.
Verb ~을 게 아니라 Rather than; Instead of (...let's do sth else)
궁금한 것이 있으면 우리끼리 얘기할 게 아니라 선생님께 직접 가서 여줘보자. When we have a questions, let's ask the teacher directly rather than discussing it among ourselves.
Same as ~을 것이 아니라
Similar to ~지 말고
The succeeding phrase often has a suggestion / command i.e. Let's do this instead.
Verb Adj. Noun ~다기보다() Rather than (saying)
예쁘다기보다는 귀여워 보이는 얼굴이죠. I think she looks cute, rather (than saying) she looks beautiful
Used as a way of saying something is more suitable / better.
Verb ~느니 Would Rather - than
항복하느니 차라리 죽는 편이 낫다. I would rather die than give in
Often followed by 차라리
Noun ~만하다 be as ~ as~; is equal to
민지 씨의 키는 나만해 Minji is as tall as I.
Don't confuse with Verb ~ 을 만하다 which means worth / worthy of
Noun ~만 못하다 means that the degree is less than sth, i.e. ~isn't as ~ as ~

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