The elephant bellowed and then charged-코끼리는 깊은 소리로 울부짖고 나서 돌진했다
She yanked the rope to ring the bell
The child tugged on me sleeve to get attention.
I wrenched a sandwich from the tray before it was passed to the next table
I felt apprehension about the history test- 불안했다
have cares, be filled with concern
What gain has the worker from his toil- 노동자는 자신의 힘든 노동에서 소득을 얻는가?
I have a srtong craving for potato chips
After we've stayed in a place for a while, we develop an itch to move on
prudent choice- sound decision-wise
My inclination(자연적인 성향, 취향) is to finish the work first and then relax
It takes lots of willpower to refuse a tempting dessert- 군침이 돌 정도로 맛있어 보이는 후식을 거절하는 데는 상당한 의지력이 필요하다
wet- The downpour drenched us- The ground is still soggy from the flood- Even though she ran through the thunderstorm, Lisa's clothes were sopping by the time she got home.
weak- feeble attempt
look after- watch- mind the children while their parents were out- to tend one's garden
waste- to squander(to spend foolishly) every sent on video games
wash- to scour the pots and pans with cleanser
warm- lukewarm(slightly warm)- to shower in tepid(water)
want- crave
walk- stride(to walk with long steps, usually with a purpose)- stroll(walk in a relaxed or leisurely manner)- strut(to walk in a vain or very proud way)- trudge(to walk slowly and with effort)
wait- linger after class to talk to the teacher
gait(alhaa gishgee, a way of walking or running)
tread- the way or sound of walking
visit- report to(to present oneself at)
We reported to work on time
villain(a wicked or evil person)- brute(a cruel person)
violent- intense(very great on strong)
view- glimpse
vicious(showing a strong desire to hurt someone)- malicious, spiteful
The light slowly faded as the sun set.
understand-fathem(to get to the bottom, understand)
unequal- lopsided(larger or heavier on one side than on the other)
aloof(showing little concern or friendliness)- distant(not friendly)
unimortant- irrelevant-petty-trifling
The difference in their heights was triffling
petty problem
His slovenly dress kept him from getting a job
Weeds made our garden look unkempt
up- aloft(far above the ground, hihg up)
upset- capsize- tip
urge- prod- spur
urgent- dire
The flood was a dire emergency
use-deplete(to use up)- exhaust(to use up completely)
Our supplies were exhausted so we replaced them before we went camping
to divide into squads to play soccer
tease- 장난스럽게 놀리다
taunt- 모욕적으로 괴롭히거나 놀리다
tell- convey
He conveyed his anger by shaking his fist
temporary- fleeting- 아주 짧은, 빨리 지나친
have a fleeting look
have a fleeting impression
thrill-to fill with pleasure or excitement
throw-fling(to throw hard or carelessly)
pitch- 가볍게 던지다
at times- 이따금
ahead of time- 예상했던 시간보다 빨리
tiny- diminutive
tip-slant(직선에서 벗어나다)- tilt
tough-rugged(매우 튼튼하고 경고한)-sturdy
trick-deception-hoax-prank(to play on each other)
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